Friday, December 11, 2009

200 Foot Reclining Buddah

From Mom

hello to everyone!
We just got in from the Sakura Christmas Party. It was quite an affair. Lots of food and fun. For any of you who know my concerns with music. Here's some good ones for you. Let me see we have been here just over 2 weeks. We have now formed 2 Choir's One that some of the staff here asked me to do with them. We just got through singing for the Christmas Party here. We sang, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells and Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. We had 2 practices. We had a good time and the band was a big help. they made us sound great. The other is a Wednesday activity after English class. We started last Sunday after meetings. Some of the young people invited a number of the students from English class and a whole bunch showed up on Sunday. We will be singing in Church when president Smith is here. We have tried to work on parts and sang with the Church Hymns CD's. We will sing ACapella Joy to the World. With the large group that came Sunday and stayed to practice on Wednesday. I hope that there is enough room for the rest of the congregation. When we got them all organized in a group up front to sing there was not much room left. They are so excited and want to do these kinds of things. There is not much for them to do as far as activities. They also put there whole hearts in to singing. In the meetings they sing louder that our whole congregation at home. Even if they don't sing on key they still sing. IT is great.
We will be singing for the LDSC Christmas party and I think they said 5 songs. We will do our best. So even though I struggle with the piano I can still direct choir's and we get the recorded music if we can. In our English classes we sing 2 songs from books that have been made up of popular songs. We have CD's with the words and music. The books have just the words. Things like Grandmas Feather Bed, Sing A Song, Singing in the rain. Purple People Eater. I am not sure how this started put it is good English practice. As well as just plan fun.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pics From Myanmar

Some Pictures of their visits the other day and their meeting house.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So I talked with Mom last night and they told me that they don't have access to the blog. Because of all the government restriction, they are not able to access it. They are going to send me things via email that I will post for them.
Like the two emails below. Have fun reading. If you want to comment, I will forward those on to them as well.
They both look great and if you have access to Skype, let me know. I am sure they would love to talk to you.

New Email 12/6/09

From Colleen

Janet, I do not know if Elder Smith told you that MANA stands for Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association. it is not a government organization.
Today we had our interview with the Mission President. His name is Michael Smith, his wives name is Janis. They have been trying to get a visa to come to Myanmar since they have been in Thailand. They got their visa's the day we left Thailand Today we went for an other excursion to a market near buy. It was very crowded. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats, chicken, pork, fish, shrimp,prawn lots of different kinds. Some especially chicken very fresh. We each had a pastry I think that sister Merkley called it croissant a piece of dough fried in oil. Because it was cooked on the spot and we could choose our pieces, we each had one, very good. We watched them make chili powder I think it might be Ciane. they take the dry little chilis and pound them in a mortar with a pestle. they do it in a several stage processes. we also saw them using a hand grinder to make a spice that is bright gold in color I don't know what it is. I bought some banana's the bunch was 500 Khate in other words 50 cents.
We next had breakfast at Sukara we had congee and fried noodles. Then off on an other shopping spree back to bojo. Elder Smith will have to tell you about his learning experience. We bought several charcoal sketches, straw art cards, and I was looking for a bag but didn't find any thing I wanted. We were constantly being followed by the beggars and the Monks and Nuns. It is an amazing place it is mostly covered but with places that open up on to the street. It can get really close and closed in and warm. The little shops are very small but they can sure stack them high and stack them deep. Sister Janis Smith is somewhat claustrophobic and it was a bit of a problem for her. But as long as she could get out into the open in a hurry she did OK.
We have another appt with Jacob our investigator his is bringing some friends with him tonight. We are so excited about the people who investigate the church, they come to us asking questions and then sometimes bring their friends. The ones that we have talked with share experiences about why. They tell us that they have been searching for something, a lot of the time they do not know what! Some have seen pictures of Christ, then say that they have seen him in dreams. They have lots of questions and they are very sincere and want to know. Of course when you answer one question it brings up so many more questions.
We got word today that our trip down to the delta has been rescheduled for next week. We have realized that the lord is very wise and having it canceled for last week was good, If we had gone there would have been a great problem with the service project. Making benches and desks for schools.When we checked there was a miss communication with the saw mill. They were not planing on delivering the supplies to the meeting house. It would have been a real problem. So it was good that we were not able to go.
So because the Merkleys and the other Smith's are going to Kalay, it will be Our Job to make sure that the next 20 tables and benches are taken care of on Saturday. It is also Tun's day off. So we will see how well we can do the taxis and all the other things. We have to learn to do it .so now is as good a time as any. Well I need to go so Just a last note We love you all and want you to know that yes it is true. We know it.

New Email

From Jim

Monday November 30, 2009

We got up bright and early for our class this morning at MANA. Our drivers’ father operates MANA and was there to meet us. We had a prayer that all would go well and that we would be able to teach and they would learn.

Not long after starting the class, the power went out and we lost our air-conditioning as it were. Three ceiling fans that oscillated back and forth plus one next to our table.

The class went very well and the students were eager to learn. Colleen’s sister Lois, who is an English teacher, would have been impressed how eager they are to hear and learn the language. We used songs and actions to teach the lesson material interspersed with lectures and illustrations. They were a very bright and quick learning class.

We attended a closing ceremony for a Level 2 class with the Merkleys. They and the Loughmillers taught the class and we were invited in place of the Loughmillers. They gave out certificates and notebooks to all the students. The students had a program and refreshments. The students spent a great deal of time doing Karaoke and so could sing verily well. Sister Smith and Sister Merkley discussed starting a Choir with the youth.

After dinner we finally moved into our permanent residence across the hall from our temporary residence. Home at last.

Tuesday December 1, 2009

We met with a group of new students at the Department of Social Welfare. They are eager to learn and have a quick grasp of the language. They have a tough time with the “r” sound in the middle of a word, but they never give up.

They wanted to have a class right then and there but we had not planned anything so Elder Merkley taught them some basic words and pronunciation, sentence structure and recognizing adjectives. He does a great job and is very patient with the students.

Our plans for traveling down the river have been denied by the government so we will get to participate in building benches on Friday and Saturday at the church. This is a local initiative and the branch is providing the labor to put together the benches and deliver them.

We began unpacking our luggage and getting the staff to move and remove some of the furniture so that we could have a cozier apartment.

Jacob came over for our weekly gospel study session. He continues to amaze me that he has such a good grasp on the gospel. I invited him to get baptized but he said that he was not ready yet and besides he could not attend church because of his schedule. We made plans for next week then I challenged him to pray. He knew the steps but was too nervous so I offered a prayer in his behalf. He then asked if he could bring a few friends next week to the discussions. Of course we stated that it was okay and he said he would call on Saturday of Sunday to verify if his friends were coming.

Wednesday December 2, 2009

We had our second class this morning with MANA. They are quick to pick up ideas and concepts. We do spend time with pronunciation especially with the “r” sound but with the basics that Elder and Sister Merkley taught with, we can help also.

We had our first lesson with USDA (Union Solidarity Development Association) in the branch this afternoon. There are about 100 students in that class with many attending schools during the day and taking this English class at night. All but two are single and we have several monks in this class and they add quite a bit of variety to the discussions. After the class Elder and Sister Merkley taught a dance class to the students. They really got into the “swing” of things. They did square dancing and the “Bunny Hop”. The young people really have a good time here.

This evening we attended a Christmas concert in the lobby of the hotel. A group of Wesleyan youth puts on a concert here for those that are far away from home.

Thursday December 4, 2009

Today was on off day so we spent it cleaning the room and preparing a mission budget. I also spent part of the day preparing an updated roster for our USDA class.

Sister Merkley and Sister Smith went visiting teaching to the north end of the city and were gone a long time. Typical visiting teaching I guess but Sister Smith reported they were invited by a minister of another Christian faith to do visiting teaching to her and her family. It was quite a spiritual experience for Sister Smith and Sister Merkley.

That evening we visited with Mr. Hayward Alto from the U.S. Embassy. It was great to talk to the international staff of the embassy.

Friday December 4, 2009

We went for walk this morning for exercise and to see the people in their day to day pursuits. We visited an open air market where all kinds of food, drink, tools and cloth were sold. The beef and chicken was cut up and sold right there. Culture shock, I would say, at least if not a shock to the senses.

Our walk took us down some very narrow, paved roads that lacked sidewalks. You had to trust the drivers and other pedestrians to keep you safe. Along our walk we observed walls made out old World War 2 corrugated runway pieces. They reuse everything here. We also saw concrete light poles everywhere, a private Asiatic Bear enclosure, huge tree stumps that were toppled during Cyclone Nargis and banana tree.

In the afternoon we visited the mill where benches for a project for a school were being built. This project is in cooperation with the branch that will put the benches together and paint them. While we were there, a completed set of benches was being loaded into a small truck to take to the school. There were students from the school eagerly helping and knew they were going to participate in using them. The principal was also there helping out. We found out that the mill had not arranged for transportation of the benches to the branch meeting house so Elder Merkley had to barter with the mill to get them there tomorrow for us to work on.

We then went to the Bojo market to find a few things. We purchased so gifts for the kids and some items for me to use in the branch finances. I had a diabetic problem while there (heat, lack of water and exhaustion) and had to rest several times. So by the time we got back to the apartment, I was pretty well done in.

Saturday December 5, 2009

We got up this morning and headed right to the branch meeting house. There we participated in a project building benches and tables for an orphanage. About 40 members of the branch showed up and got right to. They eagerly performed each task as required to put together benches in preparation for painting. The sisters as well as the brethren wielded hammers and saw to put them together. Everyone had a great time working together to accomplish the goal.

At Family Home Evening this evening Elder Smith gave a lesson on the family. The numbers were small tonight but hopefully they had a good time.

We are meeting with Peter, the recent convert, to discuss the gospel in more detail. He is very bright and wants to learn and deepen his testimony of the gospel. He had a spiritual experience that made him another convert to Christ from Buddhism.

Sunday December 6, 2009

Another Sunday morning to worship and pray but this one is a little different. We begin to make preparations for a visit from President Smith.

He arrives tomorrow and will begin a tour of the membership areas in Myanmar. Elder and Sister Merkley will go with them in their capacity of Country Director.

President Michael Smith arrived this evening and we were able to meet them at the airport. We spent a couple of hours discussing projects and what President and Sister Smith wanted to do while they are here. Elder Smith was invited to go with President Smith and Elder Merkley to visit the members in the homes.

Because of the late hour when we finally got home, we were up late preparing lessons for Monday’s class at MANA.

Monday, November 30, 2009

They are ALIVE!!

We have the proof.
Just had our first Skype conversation (live video feed). It is pretty crazy how easy it was to talk to them across the world, and they don't even get regular mail. It was 8 in the morning for them and we were just having dinner.
They showed us all the tree's in the backyard and we got to see some laundry hanging on the line. Makes me okay with doing our own laundry all day today.
Just a few things from the conversation.
They are traveling to the coast by boat on Thursday to Saturday to check out some temporary schools set up after the Tsunami. They have to sleep on mats and one guy told my dad that he should by okay
"No problem-lots of fat" They don't have any issues with telling you things like that. Bryon said that was the way it was in Ecuador too.
They taught their first English class to a group of adults yesterday. The highlight was singing "If your happy and you know it"
They attended a baptism on Sunday, and they have an investigator coming to their apartment tonight. So pretty much they got thrown into things right away.
They also get the opportunity to go to the "Frozen Mountain" which at the foothills of the Himalaya's. Can you say jealous!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

MTC Pics (soory it is big)

We actually got to help them up to their room.

We waited for a while and played until Bryon got there with the luggage and missing purse and dresses.

Sam got this picture when they were set apart on Sunday night. He wouldn't go anywhere without it.

The Setting apart with the Stake Presidency.
See the man next to mom?
He used to be the bishop when I was in YW and now he is their stake pres.
I love him so much.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Get me to the MTC

I felt like I was doing really well, not stressing, had everything ready to go. We headed for American fork for breakfast with the Buchmillers. We were half way through breakfast when I realized that I had not gotten the bag with all my dresses out of the closet. We called Justin who came to the rescue so we didn't have to go all the way home to get them. Bryon volunteered to go meet Justin and bring it to the MTC. We headed off with Janet and the kids to the MTC. We were almost to the MTC when I couldn't find my purse. I had left it at the resturant. Bryon had
not passed the Lehi exit so he stoped and got it and then met us. They helped us dump all of our luggage. Bryon got quite excited, remembering when he was here. Janet and I cried.
We had a wonderful blessing of seeing Elder Austin Lee, who came to the MTC on Nov 4th.
We were so excited I again restrained my self and only rubbed elbows. We have a no contact policy because of flu. There is hand sanitizer dispensers every where. They have prevented an epidemic here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"In the Beginning...."

This is Omner Octopus. He is going on a mission just like his namesake from the Book of Mormon. Each picture we post will contain Omner somewhere in the photo. Can you find him as we travel and serve.
Here is the beginning of the move. Not much there, or so it seems. Thanks to Colleen's sister Lois we were able to vaccum seal all of our clothes into bags. Everything but the kitchen sink is here. Med's (except those requiring refridgeration), books, tapes, computers, posters, grandkids blanket, and most of all, sugar free candy.

Some things not pictured here are tolietries, and books that we will be taking to the MTC. Those will remain in the bag that it is currently in. This stuff goes into our main bags.
We are missing "Gospel Art Books" and "Book of Mormon Story Book". Those will be purchased and packed later.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are We Going To Myanmar?????

After the earlier post on Tuesday I got a phone call. The caller ID said Washington DC! It was the embassy of The Union of Myanmar asking about our visa request. Wanting to verify that we were going to be visiting and staying with Dr. Win and how long we were staying. Well my mind just jumped ..... OK I need to make sure that what I say is correct, true and represents the church appropriately. Well I kind of know who Dr. Win is, but I'm not staying with him. Hurry Hurry get something to write on!!!!! So What are the right things to say???? We are not staying with Dr. Winn, we are planning to stay at the Sakura Residence. We are coming with Latter-Day Saint Charities. Planing to stay for a while.
Well procedures have changed and we
Must Redo Our Visa Requests and change from tourist to business.

Trying to keep my cool and write down every thing as fast as I can. Extra money is needed in the form of a money order, new pictures, new requirements and all new forms. I very calmly asked her name and a phone number if I had other questions.
OK, OK, Ok where is that phone number in the 3-4 inches of papers from the missionary department for the people that we gave our pass ports to and now what department would that be?????? Help
It would be the travel department and their phone number is in our welcome packet that we got with our call. After a few transfers I spoke with Norma, she said they Called YOUUU? I said YESSSS. I was able to give her all the right information from the call and she didn't say well, you really blew it, when I told her what I said. Even though no one would be able to decipher what I had written during the call, she said she would call them and then call us back.
When she called back, she did tell us to fill out the forms and get more pictures. I asked about the pictures and she said that they needed new ones, I told her we still had one from the first time, could we just scan them and make more. She said that should be fine.
Jim got them scanned and tried and tried to get them emailed to Sams to have them made. But it would not do it. So we went over to the store to get some help. But they could not do it either. After trying a number of different things. We finally decided that we would try Inkley's in the morning. We were just done! Jim went over to D.I. to see if they had some luggage that we wanted, while I went visiting teaching. When I got home he was watching a VHS video he had picked up for $2.00, "Apollo 13". We just kind of collapsed and had a real deep reflection on the "What in the heck are we doing". No crying or screaming just hug me please, hold my hand kind of event. Afterwards filling our the new paper work was frustrating. Already stressed, anxious, and concerned about the 4 pages each we had to fill out for the new visa's. They had to be in block letters with no corrections or crossed out anything. I had to redo one, Jim three, and he was so stress he said I'm not doing it, no, no more, no more tonight. We took sleeping pills and went to bed.
So this morning we got up and prayed asking for help and turned on KBYU instrumental music,
so that we could be more focused. We needed to do a few things and then go to Inkleys. When we got to Inkleys and asked for help with the photo's they said that they were not allowed to copy passport pictures. So they offered to take new ones for us and they would print more than just 2 for the price of $23.98.

So, what do you think?

Stressed out or what?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Answer To Prayer

Got a letter from Elder Christensen on Saturday. We were hoping that he would still be at the MTC when we came on the 9th of Nov. But alas he was to leave on the Oct 26th. at about 11:30. We had our second class at the MTC on the 26th at 11:00. So I prayed that if it would be OK with the Lord, to please help us to bump into each other.

WOW what a bump. We had just come in the front door and were getting our visitors pass and up walked Elder Christensen. We heard a yell and when I saw him, I just ran to HUG HIM but I didn't. Just rubbed elbows and linked arms and I did a dance. The dance was so intense we have snow today. We only had about 5 min before our class. So short and very, very sweet.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Here is the latest picture for our missionary plaque. Thanks Brother Harmon for a great picture.
We just finished our EIL classes. Sister Smith and I are proud owners of a diploma from BYU.

We taught our first classes on Friday and then again today. We met woderful Elders and Sister from all over the world. We met an Elder from Mongolia and during our discussions with him found out that he was scoutmaster in his community. We had a great time talking to him about scouting.

Today, we taught two young people the first and second lessons from our EIL course. Sister Smith used the music from "Goodnight Ladies" to teach I, we, he, she to them. They loved it and left the class humming the tune.

Good time was had by all.

Friday, October 23, 2009

For those that missed it here is the "bamboo hut" we will be living in. It's call Sakura Residence in Yangon, Myanmar (Google it).
Just spent 4 hours in our first official training seesion at the MTC. We did EIL (English as an International Language). I knew our language was hard to learn but now I have to teach. Holy Snikees.
We did get to meet several other couples going to different missions and doing the same thing. Kind of cool to see their perspective on their missions.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another gathering has begun to take place on the family tree. I have family names back to 1600's. I'll never have time to finish this up.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

More gatherings

Last night,just before bed, I was reviewing the "things" we need to take to the MTC in three weeks. It says that we need to take our family group record sheets.
I have worked on it off and on for several years so I thought I was okay. Low and behold it was incomplete.
I went to the Family Search site and found some bits and pieces so I "googled" my names, again.
Four more generations are now filled in. Technology is a gift and a curse.
The Lord works in mysterious ways His wonders to behold.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Stress, stress everywhere. Now I have chest pains, stomach cramps, back problems and plantar facitis. Whats next, kidney stones or brain cramps.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Talk about an uplift. I recieved a testimony of repentance this morning. Thank-you Lord for showing me the way and cleansing my imperfections.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boy has today been a wild one. This morning we purchased a wind generator for the family and then attempted to pack up all our belongings so that Justin could begin moving all of his things downstairs after we leave. That didn't go so well. Colleen and I had several sharp disagreements. Dumb stuff but it sure spoiled the atmosphere around here.
We had to go downtown to sign up for our medicine overrides because we couldn't get our fax machine to work. Stress!
We did get to see Jeremiah and talk to him for quite awhile. That was a great plus.
Tomorrow we go get our missionary photos for our plaque.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I was schooled this morning and that is the only way to describe it. The extended family has assigned me to find a way to make a wind generator for the call out. This morning I was taught to get on the stick and build it. Jon has been looking into solar energy. I think we can combine the two.
Sleep didn't come willingly this morning. Finally dozed off at 4:30 but woke up at 6:30. Going to be a long day.
As I sit here (sleep having fled) it gives me time to reflect on this journey we are about to take.Are we ready to go, really ready to go? Is my family really ready for us to leave?I got a call from my oldest brother, Pastor Bob Smith, wondering when we were leaving. He had heard that we were having a "gathering" before we leave. He wanted to come up and visit before we left but when he heard that it was Oct. 25th he had to decline because he will be in Texas that day preaching. He calls me Elder Jim (I hope a sign of respect) and introduces me to others in his church as such.On November 8th we will be set apart in our home by our Stake President. Cozy, no fanfare just a quiet moment when the spirit can speak to us all.There are those that say we are lucky to be able to go at this time of our lives. Luck had nothing to with it. The Lord has directed us on this path. We promised to serve Him, to consecrate our time, talents and everything else to Him. He has blessed us in so many ways that I'm afraid I can never repay or repeat them. Guardian angles have watched over us, protected us and chastised us on many occassions.We have "dodged the bullet" to many timed to count. But as I reflect back over the past 56 years I realize that I was have headed for this time, for this day, for this mission.Are we afraid to go to a country as far away as Myanmar? NO! Are we concerned that we will fail? NO! "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us" Rom. 8: 31.We have learned to turn our backs on the things of this world.We don't have a fancy car, a boat, a large trailer, fancy truck but we are out of debt.We have dreamed, contemplated and hoped for this call since we were married. Colleens' mother was trying to get her to go on a Health Services Mission even after we were engaged.So, here we are, five weeks until MTC. Seven weeks untill liftoff. Not enough time to get everything done but we will leave it in the Lords hands.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I believe that this is going to be our blog for Myanmar. This is the first time for me? I guess we need to add a picture. what do you think

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here is how it works

K guys
You should be able to log in under your comcast email. It will take you to the dashboard. From there you click on new post and it will pull up a posting page.
To add pics there is a tiny icon on the tool bar of the compose box. It looks like a scenic pictures. Then you can upload pics from you computer files.
Try and lets see how it goes.